Approach to Interviewing Prominent People in Business and Entertainment
As someone who is adamant about the notion of living life with passion and purpose, I take pleasure in conducting in-depth interviews with impactful people who consider where they are in life to be most aligned with their destined path.
Though typically this is reflected in those who have achieved a high-level position in their career, there is no doubt that garnering success looks different for each individual.
My passion lies in telling the story behind those who have taken on the brave task of pursing their purpose; which undoubtedly comes with having to master the art of making of life-altering decisions on a constant basis. It is in those very decisions that our unique life experiences are formed; and I’ve come to learn that the cumulation of them just so happens to make for a great story.
While professional successes will surely be acknowledged and celebrated throughout the profile, my goal is always to ask the relevant questions that will allow readers to get a deeper sense of who the interviewee is and how they have been able to innovate in their respective field. This is all in an effort to paint a clear picture of their finest qualities while showcasing their talents in the best light possible. The readers will then get unprecedented insight into their character in a fresh, unique and inspirational way.
By implementing journalistic best-practices to ensure ethical reporting, the result is always a well-written article that provides an accurate depiction of the interviewee and the person they’ve grown into being while in pursuit of their ideal life and career.